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Big Brothers, Big Sisters


Big Brothers, Big Sisters

Tues 21st Feb 2023.  A success! $457 RAISED!

This year the 3rd Tues of the month is ‘Community Night’. Where we will donate 10% of our turnover to a local community cause. Starting Tues 21st Feb, we will be supporting ‘Big Brothers, Big Sisters Youth Mentoring’ in the Hills. We look forward to your support.

Tues 21st Feb 2023.  A success! $457 RAISED!

and more...

A group of Tecoma preschoolers listen to a story outside

Upcoming Community Days - Tecoma Pre School & Warburton Warriors

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A young scout with a beautiful smile

April 24 - $500 raised for the Upwey Scouts

DIB DIB DIB! DOB DOB DOB! Awww, love our community. We got our WOGGLES on and raised $500 for Upwey Scouts to take their kiddos to Jamboree in Queensland.  This is a life defining experience...
A cricket player is excited by their hit

Tues November 14th '23 - Upcoming Community Day - Upwey Cricket Club

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The children of Melbourne Youth Chorale

September 12th '23 - $440 raised for the Melbourne Youth Chorale

It was loud last night at Babajis!  A full house of kids and parents for September's Community Day. Together we raised $440 for the Melbourne Youth Chorale! So proud to be able to support th...

June '23 Shakti Mental Health - $600 raised!

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shows our community supporting asylum seekers in belgrave

August 8th '23 Kindred - $350 raised for asylum seekers

We're always humbled when our community come out on a cold winters night for Community Day. Thank you! With your help we raised $350 for Kindred, a local group supporting asylum seekers and refug...